Perform the setting change for Zone collectively (Bulk Edit Zones)

The setting change can be performed for multiple Zones collectively.

  1. Select [EDIT ZONES] (a) from the Menu of the Site, Building, or Floor on the “Site Dashboard” screen.
    The screen moves to "BULK EDIT ZONES."

  1. Select the Zones (b) to be changed the settings or edited the schedules.
    Selected Zones are shown in the "Selected" area (e). You can also deselect the Zones by [].


    Not selected
  2. Edit the Zone functions, Zone Alert Threshold settings, or Schedule settings.
    For procedures of Zone function settings, refer to "Zone function settings."
    For procedures of Zone function settings, refer to "Zone Alert Threshold settings."
    For procedures of schedule settings, refer to "Schedule settings."
  3. Select the [Apply Changes] button (f) to complete the settings.

(c) [select all] button It selects all Zones.
(d) [deselect all] button It deselects all Zones.


  • The Zone functions or schedules set in this screen are saved on the "Zone setting" screen, but it is not saved on the "Bulk Edit Zones" screen.

  • If the Zone functions or schedules are already set on the "Zone setting" screen, they are overridden by the settings on the "Bulk Edit Zones" screen.

  • When the system is in a special state, such as maintenance or operation prohibition, the settings may not be reflected in the indoor unit.

  • Confirm that the setting is reflected in Zone after selecting the [Apply Changes] button. The settings may not be reflected due to a server error or other malfunctions.