
The Code of Conduct of the Fujitsu General Way, which sets forth the specifics to be taken into account as the basis for compliance at the Fujitsu General Group, is posted on the company intranet and also disseminated through training programs for executives and employees.

The Fujitsu General Group Code of Conduct

  • We respect human rights.
  • We comply with all laws and regulations.
  • We act with fairness in our business dealings.
  • We protect and respect intellectual property.
  • We maintain confidentiality.
  • We do not use our position in our organization for personal gain.

Prevention of Bribery And Corruption

- Basic Approach

All members of the Fujitsu General Group follow the FUJITSU GENERAL Way of Code of Conduct principles of “We act with fairness in our business dealings” and “We do not use our position in our organization for personal gain.” In further support of this, we have established the Anti-Bribery, Gift, and Entertainment Guidelines to prevent bribery and maintain fair and equitable relationships with our business partners. Specifically, the provision of gifts or entertainment to public officers for the purpose of obtaining business favors is prohibited. In addition to prohibiting the giving of gifts or entertainment to persons other than public officers and other parties with the intention of inducing them to perform improper duties, it is also prohibited in principle to receive gifts or entertainment. Furthermore, in the “Fujitsu General Guideline for Sustainable Procurement,” it also states that we will not permit any bribery or corruption among suppliers of the Group.

- Enlightenment activities

All executives and employees of the Company and its domestic affiliates are informed of these guidelines through training and act in accordance with these guidelines. Training materials are posted on our internal intranet and made available for individuals to utilize. Furthermore, each of our overseas bases complies with anti-bribery regulations established based on the content of these guidelines and local laws and customs, and we conduct training to spread awareness and ensure compliance.

- Monitoring and reporting systems

We perform monitoring of each division in Fujitsu General and Group companies through audits of each site by the Audit Division. Any material problems are reported to the Board of Directors and the Compliance & Risk Management Committee. The Fujitsu General Group has also established the “Corporate Ethics Helpline” internal reporting system, through which we accept reports and consultations from employees concerning bribery and corruption. We have also established a reporting hotline for suppliers in Japan, through which we accept reports concerning bribery and corruption from the executives and employees of suppliers. In FY2023, there were no incidences of material bribery or corruption.

Policy on political contributions and donations

When making political contributions or donations to various organizations and other entities, we will follow the laws and regulations established by each country. In addition, we will do so only after obtaining approval in accordance with internal rules and regulations.


The Fujitsu General Group endeavors to appropriately fulfill our tax payment obligations, etc., based on tax laws and other laws and regulations in each country where we operate our businesses, in accordance with the “Code of Conduct” in our Corporate Philosophy, the “FUJITSU GENERAL Way,” with the awareness that doing so is a basic and important social responsibility that we must fulfill as a company.

In addition, the Board of Directors has also passed a resolution concerning the “Fujitsu General Group Tax Policy,” which sets forth the approach of the Group toward tax.

Protection of Personal Information

The Fujitsu General Group is deeply aware of the fact that it is our social responsibility as a company to appropriately handle individually identifiable information (personal information), such as customer names and addresses, and email addresses, based on the statement in our Code of Conduct, “We maintain confidentiality.”

The Fujitsu General Group has set forth the “Privacy Policy,” and we are promoting initiatives related to the protection of personal information, such as the creation of a website related to the disclosure of personal information, etc. As set forth in this policy, we also do not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of customers, except when permitted as an exception for legal reasons.

Preventing Insider Trading

Based on the FUJITSU GENERAL Way’s Code of Conduct principles of “We comply with all laws and regulations” and “We maintain confidentiality,” the Fujitsu General Group has established the Regulations for the Prevention of Insider Trading to ensure the prevention of insider trading to fulfill its corporate social responsibility. As an example, employees are required to submit prior notification when buying, selling, or otherwise trading the Company’s specified securities. In addition, we provide internal training to our employees covering the subject of insider trading to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, and acquaint them with our internal rules regarding the proper handling of insider and confidential information.

Material Violations of Laws and Regulations, etc.

In the event of a material violation of laws and regulations, compliance violation, etc. (such as corruption, harassment, information security violations, leaks of personal information, etc.), they will be reported to the Board of Directors and the Compliance & Risk Management Committee, and will also be publicly disclosed, in principle. The parties involved may be subject to disciplinary treatment, etc., based on the Rules of Employment.

In FY2023, there were no material violations of laws and regulations, etc.

Whistleblowing System

The Fujitsu General Group has established a reporting hotline as a mechanism for appropriately processing reports and consultations concerning compliance violations, human rights infringements, including harassment, etc. Through the use of this hotline, compliance issues are detected at an early stage and appropriate measures are taken.

A system is in place in which, while maintaining the strict confidentiality of the reporter or consulter, a specialist investigation team takes responsibility for investigating the facts of reports and consultations received, and implementing corrective measures and measures to prevent recurrence as necessary. In addition to accepting anonymous reports, we also thoroughly ensure the protection of reporters and consulters by prohibiting acts of revenge or unfavorable treatment of reporters and consulters in relation to the content of reports and the fact that an investigation was conducted.

If any material problems are discovered as a result of an investigation, they are reported to Representative Directors, the Board of Directors, or the Compliance & Risk Management Committee, as appropriate.

Furthermore, we accept reports concerning all aspects of compliance, including harassment, as well as violations of laws and regulations, internal fraud, bribery and corruption, anticompetitive practices, and violations of human rights.


The Fujitsu General Group conducts compliance training concerning matters such as important laws and regulations related to the operations of each division as necessary, including the Anti-Monopoly Act, insider trading regulations, and the Subcontract Act, as well as business and human rights, and information leak prevention. We also provide education for each level of employee, such as new employees and newly appointed managers. Our Group (overseas) conducts compliance education based on the laws and regulations of each country and company rules.

In our monthly email newsletter, we also endeavor to share information to express the importance of compliance, based on familiar cases.

In FY2023, the content of training for all employees, in principle, was as shown on the right.