Account creation

  1. Tap the button (a) on the Start-up screen.

  2. Enter your information in (b) to (f).
  3. Tap (g) and read the Terms of Service thoroughly.
  4. Tap the checkbox (h) to agree with the Terms of Service.
    (Approval is necessary to use this app.)
  5. To check the Privacy Policy, tap (i).
  6. Tap the button (j).
    A confirmation message is sent to the e-mail address you have registered.


    (b)First NameEnter your first name.
    (c)Last NameEnter your last name.
    (d)E-mail AddressEnter your e-mail address. It is used as your account ID.
    (e)PasswordPassword must contain the followings:
    • 8 or more characters
    • Combination of at least three types of characters.
      (uppercase letters [A-Z], lowercase letters [a-z], numbers [0-9], or symbols)
    (f)Password Confirmation Enter the password again. It must match the password entered in (e).
  7. To complete creating the account, tap the link in the confirmation message.
    * If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, make sure the entered e-mail address is correct and tap the [Resend e-mail] button on the "Sign in" screen to resend the e-mail.

    Use an e-mail address that you can access by the smartphone.