RSS List
Fujitsu General uses RSS, a content distribution format that utilizes XML technology, to deliver its new online articles with titles and summaries.
You can obtain the distribution data by registering the following link to an RSS-compatible browser or reader, or other RSS-compatible software.
Distribution Data
What is RSS?
RSS is a format for distributing headlines and summaries of website content. Websites such as news sites and blogs use it to deliver their updated articles. RSS has multiple specifications, including those that stand for RDF Site Summary, Rich Site Summary, and Really Simple Syndication.
How to use RSS
To use RSS, you need an RSS-compatible browser or reader, or other compatible software. Download an RSS-compatible software application appropriate for your environment.
Precautions for use
- We will not be able to respond to inquiries on the functions or usage of software provided by third parties, such as RSS readers.
- We may suspend RSS updates without prior notice, for maintenance or other reasons.